7 Out of memory 13 Type mismatch 380 Invalid property value 1000 P&roperties 1001 INet 2003 General 2004 General properties for the internet control 2007 URL 2008 URL properties for the internet control 22320 Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 5.0 22321 No state 22322 Resolving address 22323 Address resolved 22324 Connecting 22325 Connected 22326 Issuing request 22327 Request completed 22328 Receiving response 22329 Response received 22330 Disconnecting 22331 Disconnected 22332 States 22335 Access Types 22336 User defaults 22337 No proxy 22338 Use proxy named in Proxy property 22349 Returns/Sets the remote computer 22350 Returns/Sets the internet port to be used on the remote computer 22352 Returns information received from the remote computer 22353 Returns a response code received from the remote computer 22354 Returns the low-level internet handle for this control 22355 Returns whether this control is currently busy 22356 Returns/Sets the URL used by this control 22357 Returns/Sets the Document to be retrieved from server 22361 Returns/Sets the proxy behavior for this control's connections 22362 Event interface for Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 22363 Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 22364 Issue a request to the remote computer 22365 Method used to cancel the request currently being executed 22367 Uknown protocol 22368 Default protocol 22369 FTP 22370 Gopher 22371 HTTP 22372 Secure HTTP 22373 Protocol to use for this URL 22374 User name to use for authentication 22375 Password to use for authentication 22376 Error 22377 Open a URL 22378 Retrieve part of document 22379 Proxy server to use when accessing the net 22380 Returns a named header or all headers 22381 Data Types for retrieved data 22382 Gets/Sets number of seconds to wait for request to complete 22383 String 22384 Byte Array 22385 Error Constants 22386 Response completed 22387 StateChanged event 22400 Internet Transfer Control Property Page 26638 Protocols 35750 Unable to open internet handle 35751 Unable to open URL 35752 URL is malformed 35753 Protocol not supported for this method 35754 Unable to connect to remote host 35755 No remote computer is specified 35756 Unable to complete request 35757 You must execute an operation before retrieving data 35758 Unable to retrieve data 35759 FTP command failed 35760 Cannot coerce type 35761 Request timed out 35762 Not a valid or supported command 35763 Invalid operation argument 35764 Still executing last request 35765 This call is not valid for an FTP connection 35767 Out of handles 35768 Timeout 35769 Extended error 35770 Internal error 35771 Invalid URL 35772 Unrecognized scheme 35773 Name not resolved 35774 Protocol not found 35775 Invalid option 35776 Bad option length 35777 Option not settable 35778 Shutdown 35779 Incorrect user name 35780 Incorrect password 35781 Login failure 35782 Invalid operation 35783 Operation cancelled 35784 Incorrect handle type 35785 Incorrect handle state 35786 Not a proxy 35787 Registry value not found 35788 Bad registry parameter 35789 No direct access 35790 No context 35791 No callback 35792 Request pending 35793 Incorrect format 35794 Item not found 35795 Cannot connect 35796 Connection aborted 35797 Connection reset 35798 Force retry 35799 Invalid proxy request 35800 Would block 35801 Handle exists 35802 Security certificate date invalid 35803 Security certificate number invalid 35804 HTTP to HTTPS on redirect 35805 HTTPS to HTTP on redirect 35806 Mixed security 35807 Change post is non-secure 35808 Post is non-secure 35809 Client authorization certificate needed 35810 Invalid client authorization 35811 Client authorization not setup 35812 Async thread failed 35813 Redirect scheme change 35814 FTP - Transfer in progress 35815 FTP - Connection dropped 35816 Gopher - Protocol error 35817 Gopher - Not a file 35818 Gopher - Data error 35819 Gopher - End of data 35820 Gopher - Invalid locator 35821 Gopher - Incorrect locator type 35822 Gopher - Not Gopher Plus 35823 Gopher - Attribute not found 35824 Gopher - Unknown locator 35825 HTTP - Header not found 35826 HTTP - Downlevel server 35827 HTTP - Invalid server response 35828 HTTP - Invalid Header 35829 HTTP - Invalid query request 35830 HTTP - Header already exists 35831 HTTP - Redirect failed 35832 Security channel error 35833 Unable to cache file